EducationUNA supporting Education in Greater Lincolnshire

The role of education, we believe, is to enable learners to become self aware, socially aware and have the knowledge, skills, understanding and attitudes to become fully functioning adults in life and work in a changing world. Living in the 21C we face old and newer social, economic  and environmental challenges, at the local, national, and international level. Those engaged in supporting the work of UNA-GL seek to inspire and empower all in learning to understand the dimensions and challenges of sustainability and wellbeing.

The 17 UN 2030 sustainable development goals give a focus and offers purpose for all learning programmes from Key Stage 1 to Higher Education and Professional Qualifications. Engagement with the goals and the challenges supports the development of agency in learners in their life and work, and promotes mental and emotional wellbeing. 

Below you will see a range of resources to use for free to promote new thinking and action on UN 2030 Goals and Climate Action Plans.

Education Lead: Jane Salt

Resources to Support Schools and Colleges


All Schools and Colleges are expected to have a Climate Action Plan in place by September 2025.  The plan is expected to cover: Decarbonisation, Adaptation and Resilience, Biodiversity and Climate Education and Green Careers. UNA-GL is a willing partner for Schools and Colleges and sees this as part of and integral to the wider agenda for UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.
There are supporting resources available for Schools and Colleges on our website and listed below. Two of our active members are STEM Climate Ambassadors, John Firth (a Trustee) has worldwide experience in Climate Change, and UNA-GL has worked locally with Lincoln University staff on research projects around Carbon Literacy and Green Careers.
Please Contact us if you would like a conversation about how we can assist your School or College.

Web resources:

Sustainability and Climate Change DfE

UNA Greater Lincolnshire Video Challenge Seminars on SDG's


Introductory Presentation Jan 2025

This can be used in all Secondary School Settings

Latest media resource for Secondary Schools from First Media building on our research work with Lincoln University:
Climate Change Humber: Climate Change Awareness and Future Career Opportunities

New Initiative supporting DfE Sustainability and Climate Change Strategy the Climate Ambassadors. UNA-GL will be supporting both of these initiatives over the next period.

Check out the materials provided by Eco-Schools and for Early Years and Primary have a look at Earth Cubs

THE HARMONY PROJECT: A New way of learning inspired by nature (KS 1 to 2)

SEEd: ( KS 1 to 5) Sustainability and Environmental Education

The Ellen Macarthur Foundation: Circular Economy. All ages.

UNA-GL has established a link with the OPEN UNIVERSITY. There are 'free' courses on sustainability available via their Open Learn Platform. Please see the links below:

Teaching student's about sustainability - Sustainability - OpenLearn - Open University

For more resources for both staff and student development at all levels and topic areas, access our resources for schools at  - Resources for schools - OpenLearn - Open University

Introducing Global Development

Introducing Key Global Development Challenges

If you would like further details or to discuss your needs around Open University courses please contact 


AUDIT TOOL FOR Secondary Schools: Education for Sustainable Development and UN 2030 SDG's

This is an introductory audit tool for Secondary Schools to provide an introduction and information on Sustainable Development. It introduces a way to audit whole school and curriculum approaches to Sustainable Development and a helps to describe a pathway to develop an action plan. This can be used as a Teacher led activity or as a collaborative activity including all stakeholders including Students.

A 'New Wealth of Nations' Education, Careers Education, Capability and Agency

A paper that introduces ideas around a capability approach as outcomes for young people in schools and colleges.

One way of engaging whole school action is the Rights Respecting Schools Award. It puts children’s rights at the heart of schools in the UK. Unicef works with schools in the UK to create safe and inspiring places to learn, where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and they are able to thrive. The Rights Respecting Schools Award embeds these values in daily school life and gives children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens. 

There are four key areas of impact for children at a Rights Respecting school; wellbeing, participation, relationships and self-esteem. The difference that a Rights Respecting School makes goes beyond the school gates, making a positive impact on the whole community.

More than 5,000 schools across the UK are currently involved in the Rights Respecting Schools Award, and of those over 2,000 schools have been granted a Silver: Rights Aware and a Gold: Rights Respecting accreditation by Unicef UK since 2006.

Bourne Academy, Lincolnshire, a Rights Respecting School
Each year the children decide upon their class charter and the rights associated with these. All the children contribute to the drawing up of the charter. Children have many opportunities for their voices to be heard. There is a Student Council which meets regularly to discuss issues raised in class council meetings. The council has its own budget and is able to genuinely effect change within the school. All Student Council members for each class are voted for by their peers. The Student Council ensures that all pupils have ownership of the school, how it operates and therefore their education. At Bourne Abbey ‘Every Child has a Voice’. The school has achieved the UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Gold Award.


Sustainable Development Goals

Find our more about the Sustainable Development Goals.

Our Focus Areas

We're making a difference in these 3 key areas

Want to get involved?

We're keen to get new people involved in the UNA Greater Lincolnshire, if you want to help make a difference then please get in touch.

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